Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

Daniel 3



In chapter 3 of Daniel - it's Daniel's friends who take center stage: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar has set up a golden "image" that he demands the citizens of Babylon worship. But these 3 boys resist. They won't bow down, and so they face the consequences: to be thrown into the burning fiery furnace. In this sermon, Pastor Kevin highlights the pluralistic nature of the society of Babylon (that they worshiped many gods). He compares this with the pluralistic nature of America - where the hearers live. By drawing this comparison - the question is posed: what will we do when the music plays? To hear how the 3 boys respond, how God responds, and what God is up to in the midst of our trials - check it out. You can watch it, listen, or click "read it" to read the manuscript.