Mid-days With Lauree

It Is Finished: The Story & Meaning Of The Cross



Easter is just around the corner and you may have your lawn decorated with pastel colors and the Easter bunny, but what about the cross and where does it play into the Easter story?I love yard decorations as much as the next homeowner, but as I've been out driving, I've noticed more and more crosses being put out in front lawns this Easter season. Maybe you've stumbled across this post and you're wondering, "What does a cross have to do with Easter?" Great question.The answer is the the cross is the center point of why we celebrate Easter. It even feels weird to say the word "celebrate" because that cross is where Jesus, the Son of God, would die an unimaginable and excruciating death. But that cross was the goal of Jesus from the very beginning. His birth, his life, his entire ministry was all leading up to his death. Jesus was born to die so we might live and when he accomplished that purpose that he came to fulfill he uttered 3 words "It Is Finished." Finished. Mission Accomplished. Done. End of Story. The