Safety Third

Micro Jaunts Are Mega Experiences



Professional adventurer Alastair Humphreys has biked 46,000 miles and rowed across the Atlantic. Upon returning from the trips, he noticed an interesting response--your trips are amazing, but I could never do that. While his outdoor exploits were personally fulfilling and inspiring to others, Alastair realized they weren’t necessarily attainable to everyone. So, in 2011, Alastair dedicated a year to Microadventures, bite-sized outdoor fun close to home, like swimming in a river near his house and running in trail races near his hometown. The idea of microadventures took off and Nat Geo named him an Adventurer of the Year in 2012. Alastair challenged, for himself and the outdoor community, how we define adventure and what it means to live adventurously.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit