Hannah Holladay Health Radio

How To Reprogram Your Mind & Limiting Beliefs



In this episode, we discuss the nature of your unconscious mind, how it works and how to discover your programming and shift it in your favor. Our unconscious mind is the home of our belief systems and when we can reprogram our beliefs to match the version of us we are aiming to align to then we take actions to manifest that future self and reality. We dive into various subconscious and neural pathway reprogramming practices that will support you in healing old patterns and limitations that are no longer serving you. Mind Experts and Resources: Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr. Matt James (NLP) If you want to book and 1 on 1 session you can email me at hholladay@gmail.com For meditations and more tips follow me on Instagram , TikTok @hanholla and YouTube Listen or share this episode on YouTube