Power Health Talk With Dr. Martin Rutherford And Dr. Randall Gates

Gallbladder – Functional Medicine Back to Basics



https://youtu.be/8YC0DxtIWT0 In this segment of Functional Medicine Back to Basics Dr. Rutherford discusses the gallbladder and its roll in chronic conditions. Note: The following is the output of a transcription from the video above. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Rutherford please visit http://PowerHealthConsult.com Hi, Dr. Martin Rutherford here certified functional medicine practitioner and other things. We're gonna talk about one of my favorite subjects today, so and and and then something you're gonna, like your really weird or whatever it is, but we're gonna talk about the gallbladder today. This is like there's like the continuation of the functional medicine back to basics. Again, for those of you who may just have seen gallbladder and I don't know. Yet what we're titling this or for those of the you who are just