Toy Power Podcast

#216: Q & A - When is Six Not Enough?!



Today on the Toy Power Podcast, it's an episode dedicated to Answering Questions!  So, to get things started we have an Ice Breaker examination, regarding Famous Voice Actors - who would you wish to interview?  Then we get into the main part of this episode, Answering our Patreon Powered Questions!  There are some real bangers in this session!  Queries such as: what would we hypothetically 'borrow' from each other's collection?  What Toylines post 1995 are our key choices, if there wasn't anything prior?   A super down to earth inquiry regarding what talent or skill set do we wish we had?  What did we have high hopes on, only to be ultimately disappointed about?  If we had our way, what Toylines are screaming for a big screen presence?  If the previous questions hadn't melted our brain, this next one certainly does - are we comfortable in collecting the same toys over and over again?  In the creative world; what Toys should be crossed over in both style & design?  One of the final questions we have is of the