Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

176. Tracy Matthews: Playing With Your Creative Gifts



“Inspiration really comes in the quiet moments.” We all have the ability to be creative, the question is, how do you access your unique talents and allow yourself to be inspired? The good news is there are specific acts you can take to awaken your creative being so you can express your essence and become your authentic self. This episode’s guest is Tracy Matthews - a jewelry designer, entrepreneur, mentor to creative visionaries and host of the top-rated podcast, Thrive By Design. Tracy’s life has been inspired by creativity and imagination ever since she was a child. Tracy has unique insight into what it means to be creative, and in this episode, she reveals it all! “The more open you are to hearing someone else’s perspective or point of view, the more knowledgeable you become about yourself.” Tracy has a passion for helping people tap into their unique creative brilliance factor to make more money and impact. She’s been featured in InStyle, Elle, Us Weekly, Real Simple, Martha Stewa