Freedom Within Reach

Mistakes that Most Entrepreneurs Make- Day 3



Lack of Time Management As an entrepreneur, our passion and mission are to serve the world, make a difference, and have freedom. We get into the business to build a lifestyle. But a lot of people start entrepreneurship and in the end, realize that they have just created a situation that's much worse than before. Have you ever felt very busy but when you look at your business, the growth is not what you expected? Or maybe experienced growing your business but compromising your health and relationships? I was that person too. I was so focused on building my business that I was willing to sacrifice other aspects of my life because I believed that in the future, it will all be worth it because I will have freedom for the rest of my life. A lot of people do this and get burned out and quit. Because of this, I realized that having a strategy and creating balance for your lifestyle is very important. This is what I recommend: Present Moment. Manage your time. I block off a certain time in my schedu