Freedom Within Reach

Mistakes that Most Entrepreneurs Make- Day 2



Neglecting Personal Finances A lot of entrepreneurs are so focused on growing their business and generating income that they forget to create additional streams of income to add to their portfolio. I have been guilty of this in the past too. As entrepreneurs, we have the power to make a difference. This is something that's often overlooked when we are so focused on making the most of what we currently have. We fail to recognize that as we take care of our business, we slowly neglect our personal finances. It is always important to take care of yourself first before you take care of anything else. It is normal for your expenses to grow as your business grows and that is why it's important that you diversify the way you generate income. Let's take a look at doctors. When people think about doctors, they just see the glory of earning plenty of money. Most of the time though, that isn't the case. In order to become a doctor, you need a lot of education and certifications to acquire the skillset to