Freedom Within Reach

Your net worth is your network.



When you truly understand the power of investing in great relationships, your whole life will transform. Many people, when it comes to investing, would say it makes sense to invest in mentorship, personal health, insurance, and the likes but would not see relationships in the same light. In one of the previous videos I posted, I mentioned that the quality of your question determines the quality of your life. Why is that? Most of the time, when we need to get something done we ask how we can make it happen. If you change that mindset and ask who can help you achieve your goals instead, you take years of work and trial and error out of the process. Years ago, I wanted to make the transition from investing in single-family homes to apartments, I spent a lot of money on a personal improvement program but after I finished the course, I couldn't get a single deal. One day, I went to the salon and met a lady who told me that she was an apartment investor. I expressed my interest in investing in apartm