Freedom Within Reach

Investing in your health



Why is investing in health important in creating wealth? Health and wealth are like your left and right hands. You do not just train your muscles on one hand to be able to use them, you have to train both. That is why I keep on encouraging everybody to work on their health too, even if it is not my specialty. One of the investment strategies I love to teach people is how to use cash-value life insurance to shelter your money and assets. Many of my investors and clients love the concept of this strategy, but not all people are able to do it because of their health conditions. They do not get approved for the insurance because of their health. As embarrassing as it may be, I was one of them too. I got declined because I was underweight. Can you believe they would decline people for being underweight? Since then, I started to work on improving my health and my body. Think about this - what good will it bring if you have a 7-figure income but your health is in poor condition that you can barely enjoy