Freedom Within Reach

Investing in your own personal financial future



One thing I have realized being in the financial services industry is that people work for so long and they don't have any investments saved up for their future retirement. When I talk to the age group that's very close to retirement, I find it very sad that they have worked for around 40 years and still do not have enough for their retirement. This is how I realized that it is because of a few things: Nobody taught them how to invest, how to create their own financial blueprints and to follow them step by step, and the importance of being insured and protected. That is why they end up wasting a lot of time. I also talk to a lot of younger adults, those in their 20's, who are already working hard and earning their money. When I ask them what they plan to do with their money, they say they do not know either. It is good that you make money, that is step 1. Step 2, you pay yourself first. Save it and invest it in your future. You can begin with a couple of hundred dollars a month, and create your passi