Freedom Within Reach

How do you build a cash flow engine so you can fund your investments?



When it comes to investing, I have always believed that the first step is to have a certain amount of cash flow to get started. You do not necessarily have to be rich to get started, but you have to get started to be rich. When I get consulted by people on their finances, I teach them about a lot of great investment vehicles they can use to grow their wealth. But recently, I realized that a lot of them get stuck in this one area - cash flow. I was there too. When I first came to the US, I did not have the funds to invest right away. Throughout the years, I realized that in order to have financial freedom, the only thing that would help is passive income. Many people focus on passive income but they do not realize that in order to earn passive income, you need to have a vehicle that generates active income.Unless you have a lot of cash lying around, you can invest and generate passive income immediately. However, if that isn't the case, you have to find a way to build a source of active income, whethe