Freedom Within Reach

7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 5



5. Have a diversified investment strategy Like I mentioned, I work with a lot of solo entrepreneurs and business owners and I see that the mistake that we all make is that we only focus on one thing. Maybe you're a business owner and your business is your primary source of income, or maybe you're a real estate investor and 99% of your assets are in real estate but think of this - all markets crash. Years ago, the real estate industry crashed and investors lost the millions that they invested. Today, people see the beauty of the growth of certain industries, but they mostly do not consider the crashes in the market. We become so focused on the beauty of our investments and keep on thinking that the market is always going to get back on track, but it takes time. That happens in all markets, not just in real estate. I realized that it's not one thing that's going to make you healthy. It may get you rich quickly, but it will not be sustainable. It is something you could compare to a house - there are