Freedom Within Reach

7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life – Day 3



3. Multiple streams of income I do not remember where I heard about it, but it definitely made sense to me especially last year because of COVID-19. I have seen so many people who lost their health and income because they only relied on one or two streams of income. If you are someone who would love to have financial security in your life, having multiple streams of income is a MUST. If you would only rely on one or two streams of income, what would happen to your family if something happens to it? I am very grateful to marry an amazing husband. He is very successful in what he does and he has been working with a company for over 20 years, but there was this one thing that kept me awake at night - what if one day my husband loses that income? What would happen to our household? There are lots of possibilities and sometimes life-changing events happen and you would be restricted to work physically. At the end of the day, a job is still a job and especially nowadays, job security can be unpredictabl