Freedom Within Reach

7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 2



2. Make sure you have a strong financial foundation Why is it so important to have the right protection plan? The mistake that I have seen many people make is that they are so focused on making money but forget about their foundation. In the previous step, I talked about how building wealth is like building a house - you have to start by having a blueprint. When you finally have a blueprint, the next step you will take is to build a foundation. Why do you need a foundation? Without a strong foundation, anything you will build will eventually collapse easily. Texas recently had a storm and a lot of people lost their homes, power, and water. Nobody expected that we would lose power, but luckily, my father-in-law had a generator. We were able to use it to have power in our home. Similar to protection plans, many people would normally think it is a ridiculous expense and they wouldn't really need it. At the moment, you may not need it, but when you do it is very important to have one. It is alwa