Freedom Within Reach

5 Day Gratitude Challenge – Day 4



The challenges that we face in life. Sometimes, we get frustrated and we ask why we face the challenges that come our way. We ask why we can't do something, why we are not able, why things are happening to us. When I was younger, I only got to see my parents twice a month. I would always ask why I never see them around, why it was happening to me, and why other kids didn't have to go through the same thing. But now, I look back and I am very grateful for that experience. It helped me become very independent. It helped me grow stronger and tougher. When I came to the US, I thought I needed to get a degree to earn a lot of money, so I got a Master's Degree. After earning my Master's Degree, I had a hard time finding jobs and when I found one, I only got paid the basic salary. I got upset because I spent so much money on college but I still couldn't get the financial freedom that I desired. But I am still grateful for that, because it opened a new path for me, to become an entrepreneur and an investo