Freedom Within Reach

What are the TOP 3 aspects of life you need to prioritize in 2021?



1. Health Having a healthy body and having full energy is very important. I have seen my own mother work so hard her whole life and sacrificed her health for money. She used her hard-earned money to try and buy her health back. A couple of years ago, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. She has fully recovered, but she spent over hundreds of thousands of dollars. One of my most important goals in 2021 is to have more energy and become healthier. Health is not an area that I am very passionate about. I am not a health coach, but I have no idea how to do it. I am very grateful that someone introduced me to my current trainer because I wouldn't be able to take care of my health without her. Find a coach that will keep you accountable and encourage you to work on your health. My coach is always there for me and holds me accountable, but among everything else, she has my best interests at heart. 2. Relationship Relationships with everybody are very important. In the past year, I have been very bus