Freedom Within Reach

The Power of WHY



This weekend, I was listening to Simon Sinek's Start With Why. I watched his Youtube video when he was talking about Start With Why and it is so powerful because there are so many businesses out there and we always begin with "what we do" and "how we do it", but not many begin with "why". I came from a very humble beginning. When I was growing up, I only got to see my parents twice a year. I never had a childhood around my parents and I don't even know how it's like to be in my parents' arms. It never happened because they were always in a different city to make a living. That planted seeds in my head - that money separated our family and I didn't want that to ever happen to my family. That is also why I am very grateful that I was able to come to the US and work towards my goal - which is to become financially free. To never have to worry about money, for money to never dictate whether I could do certain things. When I got to the US, I thought that in order to become successful, I had to have a degr