Freedom Within Reach

Why do you go to work every day?



Many of you say you want financial independence and work hard for it, but have you ever wondered what that really means to you? Over the years, many of the people I've sat down with and spoken to tell me that they want to become financially independent, have financial security, and financial stability. But what does that really mean to you? When you pursue something, do you even know why you are pursuing it? A quick story about my background - when I grew up, I only saw my parents twice a year because they had to work in another town to earn money. That planted seeds in my head and I told myself, I don't ever want to worry about money. I want to be financially independent, I don't want to ever worry about money, and I certainly don't want any of my family to suffer due to financial circumstances. So when I came to the US, I thought that in order to earn a lot of money, I had to earn a degree. I went to New Jersey to get a Master's Degree in Business. When I graduated, I thought I was going to be weal