Freedom Within Reach

Life is not a destination; it is an ongoing journey.



Over the holidays, my family and I saw a movie that really spoke to me. The story is about a music lover. He thought that when he became famous and fulfilled his dream, his life would be completely different. However, towards the end, he realized that it was still the same. That was how I lived my life. When I came to the US, I only had one goal - to have a family and become financially free. That was what drove me and I thought that my life would completely change when I reach a certain financial success. Over the years, whenever I would reach a milestone, I would move on to the next one, and that continues. I feel like I was in a rat race, constantly looking for the next one, the next achievement. This movie led me to realize that life is a journey. It is not one destination, it is a continuous journey. Because of this, I think I finally understand the meaning of life. It is living our life, pursuing our dreams, serving others, hanging out with family, and having fun, including setbacks and challen