Freedom Within Reach

The mistakes that we need to avoid during the holidays



How many of you are so excited about the holidays? I can sense the energy that's a little bit laid back and scattered from everybody, including myself. There's a lot of stimulation going on, so I would like to talk about the mistakes we need to avoid during this holiday season. 1. Health Many of us, during the holidays, would tell ourselves, "It's the holidays, I'm gonna eat everything I want, drink everything I want, and stop working out for now", "I would start eating healthy in 2021" and completely let go. I want you to think about last Christmas when you said the same thing to yourself and go back to how long it took for you to pick up your momentum. Momentum is very hard to build but very easy to lose, just like muscles. I am very grateful that I have an accountability coach. Here's what I did - I still work out, however, because of the holidays my mind is focused on the fun and pleasure, so I couldn't do a lot of intense workouts. I do not want to completely drop the habit, so we adjusted th