Freedom Within Reach

What is your vision for 2021?



You must be thinking, "Angeline, we're still in 2020, why are you talking about 2021 already?" - yes, because when the New Year comes, it will be too late already. Today, I am giving you an advantage while everybody else is still living in 2020, let's talk about your vision for 2021. Do you ever feel lost and ask yourself, "What is my purpose?" Have you ever felt confused, depressed, and had such a foggy and noisy mind that you can't think straight? If your answer is yes, I can totally relate to you because that happens to me too. I sometimes feel lost and ask myself what I am doing and why I am doing it - especially during busy days when there are many projects on the table and they create a lot of stress. When we get lost, we lose sight of our vision and we need to talk about it to bring us back on track. I realized that it depends on your vision - what your vision is and how you define vision itself. Your vision could be your goals and dreams, but your vision should also be whom you want to be and