Freedom Within Reach

Recent breakthrough and awakening from within



Today, I'd like to share with you my recent breakthrough and awakening from within. I feel like it is very important that I share it with you and I hope that it can add value to you.Every single day, we are so busy. We are busy going to work and building our businesses, but when was the last time that you paused and really asked yourself what you are trying to create in life? Why do we do what we do? What do we really want? Is it something that we really want for ourselves or is it something that our bosses, parents, or society wants from us?I recently attended this workshop about pursuing success and the instructor asked - "Everybody is always pursuing success, everybody is so driven to make money and become successful, but have you ever wondered from what state you are pursuing success? Are you pursuing success from the inner state of stress or do you want to make more money or is it because you want to prove your parents or other people that you are worthy? Is it from that kind of state of being, or is it