Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

240: The Porn Effect, The Roots of Sexual Addiction, and What John Mayer Said About Pornography (feat. Ted Shimer)



Today’s conversation goes the distance on a necessary subject: pornography. Porn stimulates the brain like other addictive drugs and is hooking a generation. In fact, no one is immune to the destructive power of porn. It's waging war against personal purpose, health, and is destroying relationships. Joining us for this deep dive is Ted Shimer. If you enjoy this episode with Ted, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 221: The Soul of Shame and What Shame Does to You (feat. Curt Thompson, M.D.) 192: Beat Sexual Addiction, Live Porn-Free, and Have Great Sex in Your Marriage (feat. Steve Arterburn) Episode Links: Ted's Website | Facebook | Buy a copy of the book on Amazon! Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome using #WinTodayShow.