Suiting Up With Paul Rabil

Arianna Huffington



Her name titles one of the largest media companies in the world. She's authored 15 books, ran as an Independent candidate for Governor of California, and today is the CEO of Thrive Global. One might think with the output of a major-market city that Arianna Huffington must work around the clock...  Her advice counters that theory. She tells us, "there is no tradeoff between high performance at work and taking care of ourselves." The viral Ted Talker and Oprah's Super Soul Sunday extraordinaire has built her companies, raised her children and extended relationships far beyond her sphere of influence because she has prioritized herself -- from improved sleep and morning routines, to abstinence from mobile devices, to dozens of daily small habits, Arianna shares how to become more present and effective. Her new book, Your Time to Thrive is a wonderful guide to redefining our lives. On the show, we breakdown these microstep concepts: - Tapping into gratitude - Putting your own oxygen mask on first - Sleep and self