Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Awakened to a Fresh Start



Do you feel like a disappointment to God? That you have disqualified yourself from being somebody who counts, because of your failures and sins? This is how Peter felt after denying Jesus not once but 3 times! Yet Jesus does something to restore Peter and show him he was never disqualified, only unaware of his total need for the grace of God all along the way. Jesus is doing the same for each of us as he prepares us to receive his Spirit. QUESTIONS • When have you felt like you’ve blown it with God? Have you ever done something to think He has had enough of you, that He was most likely ready to move on without you? • If you know the shame Peter felt before his Lord, where are you today in relation to those feelings or fears? What has God done to restore you to the fact of his love for you (and your love for him)? • Did you think Jesus was asking Peter if he loved him because Jesus was wondering? How has this message challenged you to see God’s love for you in a different light? What will you do with what He’