Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

49 things they do not want you to know about entrepreneurship! Part 2



http://www.soyouthinkyoucanentrepreneur.comMany if not all gurus sell you the dream of being an “entrepreneur” without mentioning the nightmare you go through to reach entrepreneurial success - the failure rate for entrepreneurship is 80% but it can be a lot lower – you do not have to be part of this statistics.The issue is that when they sell you the programs they do not prepare you for the obstacle courses and the nightmares you have to go through, that is why many just give up in the middle as in their mind it wasn’t supposed to be that way - they were supposed to follow the million dollars formula and achieve success, happiness and moneyBUT it doesn’t work that way -  I am very forthcoming with what you can expect to be an entrepreneur, womanpreneur, small business owner or a start up. I went through it myself- I will guide you through the myths, what you need to have as characters and traits being an entrepreneurI will also discuss my new “So You Think You CAN Entrepreneur” community tribe and how to joi