Megan Edge

On the Edge Losing Our Voice



The struggle for freedom of expression is as ancient as the history of censorship. In modern times, we take the idea and experience of freedom of speech and expression for granted, assuming it to be an innate right of the individual. But does this assumed right also increased the concern of the powers that be that unlimited access to information would be harmful to society and public morals, particularly in times of war or internal crisis? The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States (1787) guarantees freedom of speech and the press. It is regarded as the root of the comprehensive protection of freedom of expression in Western countries, along with the statement of the French National Assembly in 1789: "The free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of man; every citizen may therefore speak, write and print freely." Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her amazing co-star, Dr. Pat, founder of Transformation Talk Radio will examine the experience of censorship, both