Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Personal Power Will End The Pandemic



The source for this information is from an entity that channeler Carole Serene Borgens calls Pax. Pax is an energy that resides outside of time and space as we define time and space here on earth. This energy is dedicated to sharing information with all humanity to improve life on earth and increase the probability of the survival of the human species. You do not need to believe in channeling to benefit from the wisdom being shared. The logical and scientific evidence presented is sufficient to understand that our human species is running out of time. If you care about your children, grandchildren, and generations to come, please read this short booklet and share it with as many friends and family members as you can. Just by sharing this booklet you will be participating in the grand adventure placed before us all to act before it is too late.  Simple acts and simple statements can make a huge difference. As Pax says, it is time for one-to-one communications to change the course of humanity. We cannot afford