Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

All for One... Mission



1 Corinthians 16 is the final chapter of Paul's letter to the Church in Corinth. It follows chapter 15 - "the "Resurrection Chapter" - and everything Paul is relaying to the congregation flows from the Resurrection of Jesus. These are "marching orders" for the Christians in Corinth - to continue engaging in the Mission of the Church. Jesus outlined that Mission in Matthew 28:19-20. These words are called the Great Commission. Here, Jesus gives His "marching orders" to His disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations." Sent with the Good News of Jesus' Lordship over sin & death, the disciples are sent into the world to spread the Word. As followers of Jesus in the 21st Century - we continue this Mission. We are Jesus' disciples in the hear & now - in a world where many still need to hear of Jesus' Resurrection - the Good News. In this Sermon, Pastor Kevin encourages the hearers to share this Good News with those in their lives. For we are all for One Mission.