Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

How to get out of your comfort zone and out of your own way?


Synopsis you ever been stuck in a job you hated, in a place that suffocated you or in a dysfunctional relationship that you knew deep inside is not good or healthy for you?Do you keep complaining about the same things over and over like your boss, the money you make or your partner- but do not do anything about it?You know that you have great ideas and that you can be of service to others if you just can start your own business or product that many people need but find yourself glued to your place not moving?If any of these feelings or symptoms are familiar to you, you are not alone, the majority of the earth population feel that way being in their comfort zone where they convinced themselves "The devil you know..." so they stuck where they are knowing it is neither good or healthy for themWe all experience FEAR when it comes to change as it feels like a threat to us and we chose to maintain the "Status Quo" rather than pushing the l