Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

7 Reasons why Entrepreneurs never find their passion!


Synopsis you ever had a dream that you put on the back-burner?You have been so busy in your everyday work or job that you barely even remember what you have been dreaming about or what you are passionate about anymore?Do you feel that all your days look the same, your weekend are the same replicas of each other? On Mondays you are already looking for the weekend so you can relax or do something with your family or friends? But the weekends do not come soon enough and they do not last long enough?Do you dread your feet every morning wishing you can stay longer in bed rather than going to work?Do you ever stop and pause for a second to ask yourself what is my role in this life?Or you know where you want to go just do not know how to get there. You believe that you do not have the resources: Emotionally, mentally, financially, socially, psychologically, skill or talent wise, education wise t take the next step?You are scared to loose what you have and you do no