Deconstructing Yourself

Talking with People about Things, with David McRaney



Host Michael Taft speaks with science journalist, author, and podcaster David McRaney about how people do (and do not) change their minds, how brains form their view of reality, conspiracy theory, the method of "technique rebuttal" vs. "topic rebuttal,' QAnon, motivated reasoning, the psychology of belief, and much more.David McRaney is a science journalist and an internationally bestselling author, podcaster, and lecturer who created You Are Not So Smart.David began a blog writing about the psychology of reasoning in 2009. That blog became an internationally bestselling book published by Penguin in 2011, now available in 17 languages. His second book, You Are Now Less Dumb, released in July of 2013, and his third book, How Minds Change, all about how people do and do not update their beliefs and attitudes as indiviudals and cultures, will be released by Penguin in 2021. David currently hosts a bi-weekly, top-100 podcast about human judgment and decision-making, and travels around the planet giving lectu