Buddhist Geeks

Meditation in the Digital Age



Vincent Horn is part of a new generation of teachers who are translating the wisdom traditions of the past into 21st century code. In this talk from a recent San Francisco Consciousness Hacking Meet-Up, Vincent introduces himself to the group and describes the questions that have led to a new project: Mindtraining.io. What does it mean to meditate in the digital age? What does the contemplative path look like right now and how do we want it to look? And finally, how do we bring the sacred and secular together in a way that works? Episode Links: www.MindTraining.io Consciousness Hacking San Francisco Meetup ( http://www.meetup.com/Consciousness-Hacking-San-Francisco/ ) video recording of the meetup with post-talk open discussion ( http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/60364099 )