Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

How to change negative thoughts to positive ones?



http://www.reinventyourseftogreatness.comAre your self-doubts and fears preventing you from moving forward, better yet paralyzing you?Are you getting stuck in your negative thoughts that no matter what positives come your way you do not feel it and stay focused on the negativity?Youa re not alone most people especially women get comfortable in being in "Status Quo" or in their comfort zone even if they know they are cheating themselves from success and from the life they know they have the potential for- especially for #Fiercewomenpreneuristas In this podcast we will discuss why:The negatiive thoughts stay in our minds,Why we stay in our comfort zone knowing that it doesn't help usThe brain acts the way it doesWe will also discuss how to get unstuck and start #positivethinking and gain control of your lifePlease join us WED 4/26 at 5 PM - PST