Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 72 - The Parent Trap: Parenting VS Passion



One question I get a lot is, "How do you balance having a family while owning your own business?" No doubt -- one of the hardest things about being a mom-preneur is finding the sweet spot where you feel you're fulfilling your role as a parent but also have the freedom to pursue your dreams. My guest today, Tara Oldridge, went through the same struggle when baby #1 arrived. Although she loved her little one to pieces, the idea of being a stay-at-home-mom felt like she was giving up on her passions in life. Deep in her heart, she always knew she had a message to share and envisioned herself speaking in front of crowds....but she just didn't know what that looked like, especially now with a baby on her hip. Thankfully she was surrounded by people like her fiance who encouraged her to follow her heart and pursue her life's purpose. Tara also has an incredible, positive-thinking mindset that propels her forward. She was actually born into a family of multi-level marketers and learne