Vintage Grace's Podcast

Text Lab | John 3:1-15



Michael and Ryan walk through John 3:1-15 to help you lead meaningful discussions about the textGuiding Questions:What barriers does Nicodemus have to belief?Jews like Nicodemus believed they were saved by their heritage, how is what Jesus said about being born again different from that?What is John trying to say about Jesus by recording him referencing Daniel 7:13-14?Read Numbers 21:4-9 as a group. John records Jesus allegorizing this narrative in 3:1-15, what do the following elements represent; snakes, stick, bronze serpent? What was Jesus trying to get Nicodemus to understand about his mission?What is essential to belief in Jesus?Big Idea:Believe in Jesus and have life.Application Questions: What barriers are in the way of you seeing Jesus as the “good” life? Where do you look for the “good” life? What’s something you used to look to for the “good” life but now you look to Jesus?What’s something right now that you’re willing to admit you’ve been looking to for the good life that is not Jesus?