Middle School Matters

MSM 511: It’s Really Not a Rhetorical Question



MSM 511: It’s Really Not a Rhetorical Question Jokes: Middle School Science Minute by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or davidbydlowski@mac.com) http://k12science.net/the-intentional-integration-of-computational-thinking/ Reports from the Front Lines Changing sunrise by 45 minutes or so . . . Vocab Quiz: https://www.visitmaine.net/page/157/maine-slang ISTE21 LIVE! Was last week. Future of educational conferences. Interesting interview with Susan Cain about introverts and how schools aren’t supporting the “Quiet” kids by providing individual options to show mastery. Research shows a critical component of creativity is quiet and solitude. Not exclusively mind you. https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts?language=en I’m not going to close my Advisory Google Classroom for the summer . . . New beginnings Video Conferencing this Fall?