Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

13 tips to create Positive Thinking & Fighting Imposter Syndrome



http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comDid you ever feel that you are less than adequate, that sooner or later your clients will find out that you are a fraud no matter how solid level of credibility and success you have established?You feeltThat you have been just lucky so far for not being found out?You question yourself if you will be able to pull it through?You wonder if your team will listen to you or even like you?You question if you would you be able to deliver on time and on budget?You doubt if you have the necessary experience or knowledge to pull it through?Well, you are not alone, we ALL felt that way at one time or another. It doesn't depend on the degree of success you have, it s prevalent mainly in successful women. Womenpreneurs, entrepreneurs, start ups and those that seek great carreers and EducationIt is called the "Imposter Syndrome" we will discuss definitions, and solutions to overcome Imposter Sndrome and creating Positive Thinking