Tranquility Du Jour

Tranquility du Jour #527: Life is Practice



In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with returning guest Annie Mahon about using mindfulness to get through a health crisis, how it's changed how she's living now, and the lessons she learned. Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #527: Life is Practice. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon, or Overcast. New to Tranquility du Jour? Learn more here. Upcoming Events March 21: TDJ Live March 27: TDJ Style Pop-Up April 3: Virtual Retreat Guest Annie Mahon (she, they) is a white, Armenian-American, ordained layperson in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh (2009), founder of Circle Yoga Cooperative (2003),  DC Community Yoga and DC Yoga Week (2005), the Pink House Foundation (2010)—a grant-making organization supporting the development political and social capital for marginalized groups in the United States, moving land, wealth, and power to historically oppressed groups, Opening Heart Mindfulness Community (2014), and most recently Making-Visble