Tranquility Du Jour

Tranquility du Jour #519: The Fit Habit



In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Caren Magill about mindset and habits, getting and staying fit over 40, and nutrition tips. Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #519: The Fit Habit. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon, or Overcast. Visit for more episodes and the Tranquility du Jour Podcast App: iPhone and Android. New to Tranquility du Jour? Learn more here. Upcoming Events TDJ Annual Pass. New Year's Virtual Retreat on January 1 from 2-5pm ET. Join us. TDJ Live on January 10 from 8-9pm ET. Join us. Guest       Caren Magill is a certified yoga teacher, fitness instructor, nutrition coach and author of The Fit Habit. She inspires women in their 40s, 50s and beyond to live well and fit by cultivating healthy habits that will last a lifetime.         Mentioned in the Podcast Find Caren Website Facebook Instagram Pinterest   Non-toxic brands she mentioned: Beauty Counter Palmers oil Primally Pure D