Tranquility Du Jour

Tranquility du Jour #506: Living Ayurveda



In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych about a woman's primal and intellectual nature, how to set up our environment to support our intentions, the importance of aligning with nature, and a few healing rituals. Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #506: Living Ayurveda. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, Apple Podcast or Overcast. Visit for more episodes and the Tranquility du Jour Podcast App: iPhone and Android. Upcoming Events Fall TDJ Live on Sunday, September 20 from 8-9pm ET Sign up to learn eight seasonal tranquility tips. TDJ Lifestyle e-course coming this fall. Join the waitlist. New Year's Virtual Retreat on January 1 from 2-5pm ET. Join us. Guest Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility. A board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, she bridges the worlds of conventional and alternative medicine to help women and men heal their physical and emotional lives. Heather is o