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TMHS 223: Transform Your Body And Life From The Inside Out - With Carrie Wilkerson



“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” That’s how the timeless classic from Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities begins... and it couldn’t be any more accurate today. Right now we have instant information at our fingertips. The answers to almost any question you can ask (including important questions like “Why do they keep remaking Spider-man?”) are just seconds away. We have an abundance of food for billions of people (I have some issues with this, but let me not digress). We have the ability to travel anywhere on the planet within hours. We have safer communities, more wealth, more access to education, and the ability to bypass conventional gatekeepers and become a shining success through the power of social media. Sounds like a pretty cool world, right? Well, don’t sign up for this field trip quite yet. At the same time today, we have higher rates of disease and poor health than at any other time in documented human history. We have cyberbullying and endless criticism if you do decide to “p