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TMHS 221: Real Solutions For ADHD And Staying Focused In A Hyper World - With Dr. John Gray



What if every child with ADHD is actually gifted? As a society, we’ve been struggling to support our kids who have ADHD. And, as it turns out, many of these children are not just hyper-active, but also hyper-intelligent. The great tragedy today is that many of these kid’s amazing gifts are, unfortunately, overlooked or suppressed. ADHD is typically a blanket diagnosis that covers hundreds of different variations in symptoms and experiences. Yet, millions of children are lumped together and given a cookie-cutter treatment, and the results of have been less than impressive. Some rarely discussed side effects of conventional treatment and/or neglect of ADHD are greater levels of depression and anxiety, higher incidences of drug abuse, and higher rates of suicide. Simply giving a child a drug to help them be more focused in grade school may seem appropriate in the short-term, but neglecting the underlying cause of the ADHD could have devastating consequences in the long-term. ADHD simply does not “wear off” when