The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 192: You Vs. You - 4 Ways To Create A Strong Fitness Mindset



You’ve probably heard the saying “mind over matter” before... but what the heck does that even mean? Well, to put it simply… the thoughts and beliefs that we carry determine the actions that we take in our lives. Your mind is strong enough to move the rest of your “matter”, and that’s why your mindset matters so much. Today you’re going to learn some important decisions that you get to make in determining how your mind (and thus your body) works. It’s You vs. You in the only competition that really counts… the competition for real estate in that beautiful mind of yours! The space in your mind that determines your approach to life is up for grabs, and you get to choose. Will it be an empowering mindset that helps to put more success on automatic in your life? Or will it be a disempowering mindset that holds you back and keeps you from reaching your potential? You and I both know which one you will choose, and it all starts now by pressing play and taking action! In this episode you'll discover: Why our psycho