The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 007: Friend's And Family's Influence On Your Health, Cheat Meals, Haters, And Supplement Junkies



In this episode we dive into some of the commonly asked questions that have been coming in. We kick things off by discussing the impact that your friends and family have on your health. New science is showing conclusively that the people you hang around may be the #1 determinant of the results you get in your life. Today you're going to learn how your brain gets manipulated (for better or worse) and what you can do to take control of its function. We're also going to give the skinny on cheat meals. Lots of programs incorporate cheat meals and it really does work for some people. But is it a good idea long-term? You'll find out soon enough!  Plus, you've also probably heard the word "hater" being tossed around to describe people who are jealous, malicious, ignorant, or just plain hateful. There's a good reason why haters hate, and they do serve an important purpose in the results you get. You'll find out what that is, as well as important insights about taking supplements, all inside today's show. In this epis