

Finally Matt Lalonde joins us for what will probably be the first of many visits.  Enjoy!!! Show Topics: Re-address Blog Comment from Jon from Podcast 57 Insulin Resistance / Cod Liver Oil / PWO Carbohydrate Hashimoto's Disease Best Diet to Gain Mass Matt's Daily Food Intake Detailed Questions: 1. Re-address Blog Comment from Jon from Podcast 57: I think a discussion on what the re-introduction of foods and the subsequent reactions to them means and why would be very interesting as a podcast topic. The paleo concept has expanded a lot from the original ‘cavemen did this so you should to’ logic of guys like cordain (another thing mentioned recently on the show, how robb has become more science orientated because of matt lalonde), but I still think at times robb reverts back to the ‘re- introduce it and see how you feel’ logical fallacy too often, because I bet almost any food completely eliminated for 30 days and then re-introduced would have negative effects and may take a few months to re-sensitiv