Toy Power Podcast

#230: Toys: Loose or TIGHT?!



Today on the Toy Power Podcast, we are once again joined by our great mate - Mr Davey Damaged!  As forecast, he has stolen Master Trent's spot again!  Davey wonders how well you; the listener knows us?  So; he has devised an extensive: "Get to know you" questionnaire.  This includes but is not limited to: Saving on Ream's of Paper; Malcom & The Middle Sequels; Spanish backgrounds; Stan Winston Creations; The proposal of a new host....; Marvel Vs DC - not just character wise, but in animation too...  But that's not all!!  Davey then flips the questions into a different category of a "Would You Rather" Quiz containing some of the following scenarios: Time on Alien infested worlds; being pursued by Robot or regular Dinosaurs; and many more head scratching proposals.  Then we pivot into our final segment - which is a classic Show & Tell.  We have a mystery character that holds a Fish in a Bowl from Ben.  Darren brings two toys this round, a childhood Batman & as well as a Joker figure.  Then Frank flexes his musc