After The Bell Rings

Episode 007 - TRIADvances: How Our Teachers Learn



Once teachers earn a bachelor’s degree and teaching certification they are done learning, right?  Not quite.  In the state of Illinois, when teachers receive their teaching certificate, they are required to attend and track continuing professional development in order to renew their certificate.  Certificates are renewed on a 5 year cycle and teachers must enter at least 120 CPDU’s (Continuing Professional Development Units) which equates to 120 hours of professional development per every 5 year certificate cycle.  In Episode 7 of “After The Bell Rings”, Adam and Mike talk about their new Personalized Professional Development program, called #TRIADvances, that puts a new spin on how teachers at Triad earn CPDU’s.  This new and exciting program has taken off and allowed teachers to explore new and exciting technology-infused lessons on their own time.  Adam and Mike have had the pleasure of presenting their #TRIADvances program at multiple local and statewide conferences and are excited to present it at METC C